Put your values into action and get EQUAL-SALARY certified

because it is good for business

Businesses that do what they have always done are destined to plateau. Successful companies are constantly evolving and transforming their business models and People are at the very heart of this evolution. 

Equal pay for equal work is a fundamental step for the modern business and an essential enabler for transformation. How can employees be engaged, committed, and innovative knowing (or believing) they are not paid the same for the same work?

Companies that address the gender pay gap build trust with employees, increase diversity of skills, improve attractiveness to prospective talent, help shape an inclusive and diverse culture, and ultimately improve their bottom-line results.

In the FMCG and retail sector, this is even more true. Considering buying power and influence on decision, women are responsible for 80% of the global total of purchases. Imagine how powerful it would be to better understand the buying decision process of your goods…

In today’s business climate, it’s not enough to say your company supports equal pay. You need to prove it. Getting certified by a third party allows your organization to demonstrate good governance and transparency. It significantly improves your ability to attract and retain strong talent, especially female talent. 

The EQUAL-SALARY certification is a process that allows companies to verify and communicate that they pay their female and male employees equally for the same job or for job of the same value. It is aimed at companies in all countries and across all industries with 50 or more employees that are committed to closing the wage gap.

In the past few years, the number of EQUAL-SALARY certified companies has constantly increased. The certification process provides many insights on a/ where your organization stands in terms of equality and b/ where there is room for improvement. It will lead your company through a continual improvement process in order to ensure equal pay and equal opportunities over time and with that, of course, better business. Why would you miss that chance?

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Lisa Rubli and Noémie Storbeck

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