ESG Leaders

Dominika Bettman with the "Green Transformation Visionary" award and 9 companies on the podium

In the 1st edition of the "ESG Leaders" competition, almost 100 companies and over 20 natural persons were nominated. The prizes were awarded to 9 companies in three main categories: Strategy, Innovation and Educational Program. Dominika Bettman - soon assuming the position of the president of Microsoft in Poland - was also awarded as a person who has taken special measures for sustainable development and has a significant impact on the area of environmental protection and natural resources, as part of the Green Transformation Visionary category. The winners were selected by the competition jury composed of experts in the field of ESG, financial markets, science and business.

The competition is organized by NN Investment Partners TFI, GPW and PwC, strategic partner of UN Global Compact Network Poland, partners of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Polish Association of Capital Investors (PSIK), Leviathan Confederation, Łukasiewicz Research Network and the Polish Bank Association (ZBP). The "ESG Leaders" competition is addressed to enterprises implementing an outstanding ESG strategy, offering innovative products and services with a positive impact on the environment, as well as conducting effective information and promotion campaigns in the field of sustainable development.

The awards were granted in three main categories: Strategy, Innovation and Educational Program. A person who has taken particular actions for sustainable development and has a significant impact on the area of environmental protection and natural resources, was awarded in the Visionary / Green Transformation Visionary category. Below is the list of winners of the "ESG Leaders" competition:

Educational program in the field of ESG:

Velvet CARE Sp. z o.o.
ESG Leaders 2021
Diamond Award

Saint-Gobain w Polsce
ESG Leaders 2021
Gold Award

Wodociągi Miasta Krakowa S.A.
ESG Leaders 2021
Silver Award

Innovation in the field of ESG:

Grupa Kapitałowa PKP Energetyka
ESG Leaders 2021
Diamond Award

Contec S.A.
ESG Leaders 2021
Gold Award

Żabka Polska sp. z o.o.
ESG Leaders 2021
Silver Award

Vertigo Farms
ESG Leaders 2021

Strategia ESG:

ESG Leaders 2021
Diamond Award

Lidl Polska
ESG Leaders 2021
Gold Award

Grupa Kapitałowa PKP Energetyka
ESG Leaders 2021
Silver Award

Wizjonerka Zielonej Transformacji:

Dominika Bettman
ESG Leaders 2021
Green Transformation Visionary

“The selection of the 9 winners was not easy. The quality of submissions shows that companies are doing more and more towards sustainable development. However, we should remember that there are people behind every success of an organization - they are changing the reality. Hence, we decided to create the "Green Transformation Visionary" category. We distinguished Dominika Bettman, who for many years has been proving with her actions that thanks to technologies, it is possible to change the world for the better”

says Krzysztof Szułdrzyński, partner of PwC Polska.

The winners were selected by the competition jury composed of experts in the field of ESG, financial markets, science and business. It was composed of:

  • Robert Bohynik, CFA, Vice President of the Management Board of NN Investment Partners TFI;

  • dr Piotr Dardziński, President of the Łukasiewicz Research Network;

  • Elisabetta Falcetti, Director for Central Europe and the Baltic States of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD);

  • Krzysztof Jedlak, Editor-in-chief of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna;

  • Włodzimierz Kiciński, Vice President of the Polish Bank Association;

  • Barbara Nowakowska, Managing Director, PSIK;

  • Izabela Olszewska, Member of the Management Board, Warsaw Stock Exchange;

  • dr Monika Sady, Assistant Professor at the Department of International Management at the University of Economics in Krakow;

  • Krzysztof Szułdrzyński, Partner of PwC Polska;

  • Maciej Witucki, President of the Lewiatan Confederation;

  • Kamil Wyszkowski, Executive Director of UN Global Compact Network Poland.

“The first edition of the "ESG Leaders” is behind us. Looking at the number of applications, one conclusion arises - Polish companies and institutions want to be responsible. The title of "ESG Leaders" confirms the enormous work that some of them have already done in this direction. I am sure that this is just the beginning of a positive change and year by year the interest in ESG in Poland will increase”

says Małgorzata Barska, president of NN Investment Partners TFI.

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) covers issues related to environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance. This acronym has been of special interest since 2015, after the publication of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The obligation to report ESG issues by all companies with over 250 employees (regardless of the industry) will enter into force as early as 2023.

“We know the winners and distinguished in the first edition of the ESG Leaders competition. ESG is undoubtedly one of the most important trends on financial markets, therefore, for listed companies that want to follow the rapidly developing market and the growing needs of investors in the context of social and environmental responsibility, we organized the ESG Leaders Competition. We are convinced that such initiatives highlight the importance of taking into account the ESG criteria in the operations of enterprises and the importance of reliable reporting of non-financial data”

said Izabela Olszewska, member of the GPW Management Board.

Non-financial factors are becoming more and more important for employees, customers, suppliers and contractors. Including ESG elements in your company's strategy also increases funding opportunities. As the PwC study "Green Finance in Polish" shows, 12 out of 14 surveyed banks take into account climate and environmental risks in their credit processes, mainly for selected industries and sectors. From the PwC study, "ESG - The Sword of Damocles or an opportunity for strategic change?" shows that 29% of investors would downgrade or withdraw from investment if ESG risks were too high. Obtaining the title of "ESG Leaders" confirms that the company is focused on sustainable development and reliable cooperation, and this may contribute to strengthening the credibility in the eyes of stakeholders.

About PwC

At PwC, our goal is to build social trust and respond to the key challenges of the modern world. We are a network of companies operating in 155 countries. We employ over 284,000 people who provide our clients with the highest quality services in the field of business, technological, tax and legal consulting and auditing. In Poland, PwC has offices in 7 cities and the Financial Crime Unit in Gdańsk and Warsaw, two Shared Service Centers in Katowice and Opole, and a branch of PwC IT Services in Lublin. Polish PwC companies employ over 6,000 people. Find out more at

About NN Investment Partners TFI SA

NN Investment Partners TFI has been multiplying the money of individual clients, companies and institutions for over 20 years. We are the second largest TFI on the Polish market in terms of the value of fund assets for a wide range of investors. We provide services to approximately 500,000 clients, offering them not only funds, but also pension products and tailor-made investment solutions. We are part of the international NN Group, successfully combining global and local expertise.

Informations about the GPW

Stock Exchange History

On April 12, 1991, the then Ministers of Ownership Transformation and Finance signed the founding act of the joint-stock company "Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie SA". Since 2018, the GPW has been classified by the FTSE Russell agency as one of 25 developed markets. The history of the capital market in Poland dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. The first in Poland and one of the few in Europe Merchant Exchange, established in Warsaw on May 2, 1817, soon became the largest market of tsarist Russia, responsible for 5-6% of world securities trading. A thriving stock exchange, which was responsible for 90% of the domestic turnover, was also active in Warsaw in the interwar period. After the period of the People's Republic of Poland and the planned economy, the re-development of the Polish capital market was possible only in 1989, along with the political and economic transformation.

Stock exchange today

In November 2021, the average daily value of shares traded on the order book on the GPW Main Market was PLN 1,488.0 million. At the end of November this year. 426 companies (379 domestic and 47 foreign) were listed on the Main Market, while 378 companies (374 domestic and 4 foreign) were listed on the NewConnect market. Last year, the GPW Group generated record sales revenues of PLN 403.8 million and one of the highest net profit in its history, exceeding PLN 151 million. According to the data of the Federation of European Stock Exchanges, in 2020 the GPW was ranked 1st in Europe in terms of the percentage increase in equity turnover and 3rd in terms of the value of IPOs. At the end of 2020, the GPW was also the second largest market in Europe in terms of liquidity and achieved the status of a world leader in terms of the number of listed companies from the gamedev sector.

GPW position in the region

GPW is a leader among Central and Eastern European exchanges in terms of the number of listed companies and the total capitalization of domestic companies. The share of the GPW in trading in equities on the region's stock exchanges is 81%. The GPW chairs the initiative of the Three Sea Exchanges and aspires to the role of a regional hub for young technology companies with huge potential, the so-called unicorns. Negotiations are currently underway on the acquisition of a majority stake in the Stock Exchange in Armenia by the GPW.


The GPW Group (GPW Group) operates platforms for trading in shares, treasury and corporate bonds, derivatives, electricity and natural gas, and provides indices and benchmarks, including WIBID and WIBOR. In 2018, the FTSE Russell index agency qualified the Polish capital market to the group of developed markets. The markets operated by the GPW Group are the largest in Central and Eastern Europe. More information at

Contact us

Jakub Kurasz

Jakub Kurasz

Head of Communications, Poland, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 601 289 381

Piotr Kołomycki

Piotr Kołomycki

PR Expert, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 519 506 606

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