Did you know that..
The higher the level of the CIMA exam, the more theoretical and situational questions in the objective test exams. 50-75% of strategic level exams (E3, P3, F3) do not require calculations, only good judgement. The most tricky type of task is a question with the requirement to "select ALL that apply", i.e. multiple response, for example, choose 2 correct answers from a list of 8 possible answers.
We would like to invite for a special webinar where PwC's Academy trainer of CIMA courses will share tips:
Data / time: September 15, 2022, from 5.30 to 6.30 pm CET (60 min)
Format: Live Online workshop, interactive tests in Mentimeter
Price: Free of charge
Language: English
Tutor: Svitlana Zasukhina, MBA, CFA, ACMA/CGMA, CIA, senior manager at PwC's Academy Poland
For whom: Candidates taking or planning to take CIMA objective test exams (E1, P1, F1, E2, P2, F2, E3, P3, F3)
Trener, Starszy Manager, MBA, CFA, ACMA/CGMA, CIA, PwC Poland
Tel: +48 519 062 937