Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

Holistic services for companies

From October 1, 2023, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will come into effect in the European Union. Importers of goods covered by CBAM will be required to purchase CBAM certificates in the amount corresponding to the embedded emission, i.e., emission released in the production process of a given product, and then redeem them.

The regulation imposes reporting obligations on importers of goods operating in the EU customs territory whose production is associated with the greatest risk of carbon leakage. Initially, the new regulation will cover the following categories of goods: iron, steel, cement, aluminium, fertilisers, electricity, and hydrogen.

The implementation of CBAM is divided into two phases:

In the first (the so-called transition period), starting from October 1, 2023, the declarants of imported goods will only be required to submit a CBAM report quarterly.

During the second phase, starting as of January 1st, 2026, the importers will be obliged to purchase CBAM certificates that correspond to the embedded emissions and submit yearly CBAM declarations (by May 31st). The same deadline will apply to the redemption of CBAM certificates corresponding to embedded emissions.

How can we help you?

Carbon tax impact analysis

CBAM compliance

Management of CBAM certificates

Ongoing consulting

Carbon tax impact analysis

  • Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the impact of the carbon border tax on the business and supply chain
  • Conducting a training during which we will present the main assumptions of CBAM and its consequences for the company's operations

CBAM compliance

  • Registration for Carbon Border Tax
  • Implementation of the process of collecting information subject to CBAM reporting
  • Calculation of data for reporting purposes by calculating: (i) the actual total amount of embedded emissions and (ii) the actual total amount of indirect embedded emissions according to the methods set out in the carbon tax regulations
  • Preparation of quarterly reports containing information on emissions related to imported goods
  • Preparation of annual declarations

Management of CBAM certificates

  • Calculation of how many certificates the importer should purchase
  • Monitoring the minimum number of certificates that a company should have
  • Ensuring timely redemption of certificates

Ongoing consulting

  • Ongoing monitoring of applicable CBAM regulations and adapting the company's situation to changing requirements in this area
  • Negotiations with suppliers - raising awareness among suppliers
  • Shaping the company's strategy
  • Jako艣ciowa i ilo艣ciowa ocena wp艂ywu granicznego podatku w臋glowego na dzia艂alno艣膰 i 艂a艅cuch dostaw;
  • Przeprowadzenie szkolenia, w trakcie kt贸rego przedstawimy g艂贸wne za艂o偶enia CBAM oraz jego konsekwencje dla dzia艂alno艣ci prowadzonej przez sp贸艂k臋.
  • Rejestracja na potrzeby granicznego podatku w臋glowego
  • Wdro偶enie procesu zbierania informacji podlegaj膮cych raportowaniu w ramach CBAM
  • Obliczenie danych na potrzeby sprawozda艅 poprzez wyliczenie: (i) rzeczywistej ca艂kowitej wielko艣ci emisji wbudowanej oraz (ii) rzeczywistej ca艂kowitej wielko艣ci po艣redniej emisji wbudowanej wed艂ug metod okre艣lonych w przepisach o podatku w臋glowym
  • Przygotowanie raport贸w kwartalnych zawieraj膮cych informacje o emisjach zwi膮zanych z importowanymi towarami
  • Przygotowanie deklaracji rocznych
  • Kalkulacja, ile certyfikat贸w powinien naby膰 importer
  • Monitorowanie minimalnej ilo艣ci certyfikat贸w, kt贸re powinna posiada膰 sp贸艂ka
  • Zapewnienie terminowo艣ci umorzenia certyfikat贸w
  • Bie偶膮ce monitorowanie obowi膮zuj膮cych przepis贸w CBAM i dostosowywanie sytuacji sp贸艂ki do zmieniaj膮cych si臋 wymaga艅 w tym zakresie
  • Negocjacje z dostawcami - podnoszenie 艣wiadomo艣ci w艣r贸d dostawc贸w
  • Kszta艂towanie strategii sp贸艂ki

What do you gain by choosing our services?


We take a comprehensive approach to environmental obligations and react to changing regulations on an ongoing basis


We will reduce the need to correct CBAM reports and declarations, we provide support in effective negotiations with the suppliers


Our experts have extensive experience in compliance services - both in terms of taxes, environmental protection, as well as VAT and excise duties


We ensure the implementation of an effective data collection process for CBAM reporting using new technologies and interactive tools

Contact us

Krzysztof Wi艅ski

Director, PwC Poland

+48 519 506 434


艁ukasz Pamu艂a

Manager, Warszawa, PwC Poland

+48 519 504 779


Daniel Maryjosz

Manager, Warsaw, PwC Poland

+48 519 505 353


Tomasz Or艂owski

Manager, PwC Poland

+48 519 504 890


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