Supervision of obliged institutions
The EU AML Package also includes the establishment of the Authority for an Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLA), whose tasks will include overseeing cooperation between the relevant national supervisory authorities. Until now, such a role was played by the European Banking Authority however the European Parliament concluded that more human and financial resources should be allocated to the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing, thus decided to create an authority that will coordinate AML/CFT supervision at the European level.
AMLA will develop a comprehensive supervision methodology, including specific guidelines, technical standards and recommendations reflecting a risk-based approach.
In turn, local supervisors should be responsible for risk-based-supervision. The frequency and content of the inspections of obliged institutions will depend on the risk profile of the institution and types of ML/TF risks present in that country. By 31st October each year, national supervisors should have prepared annual inspection programmes (Article 9 of the Regulation regarding AMLA) and submitted them to the AMLA.
Individual supervisory authorities will also have to develop thematic controls (dedicated to specific obliged institutions). The exchange of information from such thematic inspections is to include any joint conclusions or coordinated actions from other supervisors. Secondments will also be supported within different supervisory authorities as a way to exchange experience through short-term visits. The establishment of a central AML/CFT database is also expected.
Furthermore, for financial institutions that are part of a larger group, Member States are to ensure that the financial supervisory authorities of the home and host Member States cooperate as much as possible, regardless of their nature or status. In addition this is to be done through cooperation with the AMLA.
The 6th AMLD also contains rules on the establishment of AML/CFT supervisory colleges (Observations on AML/CTF colleges). The AML/CFT supervisory colleges will serve as a way to exchange information for the purpose of supervising credit or financial institutions, provided they operate in at least three Member States or outside of the European Union. The colleges are to be used to exchange information, provide mutual assistance and coordinate supervisory approaches to institutions, including taking proportionate measures in the event of identified violations. The AMLA is also to participate in the meetings of the colleges.