ESG Portfolio Diagnostic Solution

Identifying ‘greenwashing’ risks in your portfolio

Main requirements of the key regulatory packages, which have been introduced by the EU as a part of legal framework for ESG related matters:


  • Entity level disclosures (website) on adverse sustainability impacts
  • Remuneration policies disclosures
  • Pre-contractual disclosures on integration of sustainability risks
  • Financial products disclosures (products-level / periodic reports)


  • List of environmental targets to be pursued by companies
  • Criteria to be met by the business to be classified as sustainable
  • Rules regarding transparency and reporting


  • The aim of the Directive is to implement sustainability / ESG issues into non-financial reporting of both financial and non-financial institutions


  • Consideration of ESG aspects while defining the target markets and assessment of suitability and appropriateness
As the ESG Compliance landscape evolves, greenwashing risks are increasingly becoming a reputational and financial threat. Financial regulators are enhancing disclosure and reporting guidelines, mandating transparency on ESG investment strategies, the selection criteria used, and potential associated risks.
  • Supervisory bodies are scrutinising overly optimistic ESG labels and activist investors are speaking out when they sense empty promises. 

  • Financial institutions have already been fined for publishing misleading statements in relation to their sustainability credentials.

  • Meanwhile, the associated risks of not disclosing detailed ESG credentials range from a downturn in your competitiveness to the perception that your organisation has something to hide.

Key features

PwC’s ESG Portfolio Diagnostic Solution is a technology enabled, ‘horizon scanning’ solution that enables identifying potential greenwashing risks within portfolios and value chain.


Key benefits

Contact us

Przemysław Paprotny

Przemysław Paprotny

Partner, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 502 184 766

Maciej Przybyłowski

Maciej Przybyłowski

Partner, Financial Crime Unit, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 519 504 284

Jan Domanik

Jan Domanik

Dyrektor, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 519 507 047

Úna Barrett

Úna Barrett

Partner, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 519 508 160

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