Legal Centre of Excellence (Legal CoE) Gdańsk, Poland

Where business meets law

Complex solutions aimed at legal
process outsourcing (LPO) 

Response to increased regulatory
pressure and growing number of legal
standards and market requirements

Mitigating reputational risks related
to non-compliance due to synergy
of legal and business approach

Legal Centre of Excellence provides assistance in the area of legal process outsourcing and fulfillment of regulatory compliance duties

The idea behind Legal CoE is to combine expertise of regular legal practice of PwC Legal with an access to cost-efficient team of legal and para-legal professionals. Legal CoE team is supervised and supported by experienced lawyers of PwC Legal ensuring top-quality of the services. The application of dedicated methodology and IT digital solutions provides for significant cost and time-saving effects under the framework of PwC network.

Engagement of Legal CoE may allow you to achieve efficiencies in internal legal and compliance functions in order to comply with regulatory duties requiring massive volume of work to be performed.

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Legal CoE assists with legally-related issues concerning: 

Mass volume

Repetitive nature

Compliance burdens

Exemplary implementation of Legal CoE approach

Unification of bank’s policies on global level

  • The Client faced a challange to coordinate policies used by territories across multiple continents in multiple areas of business.
  • In course of regulator’s investigation against the global banking group it was revealed that policies governing multiple areas of bank’s activity are different in particular subsidiaries. The regulator ordered unification of these documents.
  • The methodology proposed by Legal CoE was chosen by the Client and applied it in order to complete the process in line with general standards and specific local regulations due to Legal CoE’s extensive knowledge of banking industry.

Implementation of Market Abuse in Poland

  • The Client was obliged to introduce the individual reporting standards (IRS) for the inside information processing.
  • The proccess required complex and effective approach with dedicated solution within an yet undiscovered area  as Polish public companies had less than a month to complete the implementation.
  • Legal CoE developed an universal IRS for the required sector and replicated it in other companies of the sector (with the need to adjust the financial data).

Review of change of control clauses

  • The Client, an acquiring company that completed global acquisition, intended to verify whether post-merger integration could be smoothly conducted.
  • Verification whether third-party contracts include any change of control clauses was required as right and proper relationships with business partners, contractors or customers must be ensured after the transaction is completed.
  • Legal CoE offered complex overview and legal analysis as well as assistance within integration phase itself, resulting in following services being provided:
    • Relevant Entities identification,
    • Partnership/contract verification,
    • Post-transaction Vendor Risk Management (VRM),
    • Providing notifications template,
    • Client’s database update.
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