New law offering

As businesses evolve and with increasing globalization the traditional model of legal advice does not match the business needs of the stakeholders. Our New Law practice is a response to the dynamically changing needs of our clients.

The way you use legal services is rapidly changing. Operating in a globalised world and across many legal and regulatory regimes means that your in-house legal or compliance teams face increased pressure from lawmakers and regulators.

Together with the  dynamic tech landscape and increasing volumes of data your people can easily get tied up in high volumes of reactive work. Freeing up resources gives you more time to focus on strategic planning, adding value to your practice and proactively looking to the future. At PwC Legal we anticipate your needs and are ready to help you adjust to these challenges through the five pillars of our New Law offering.

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The 5 pillars of our New Law offering:

Legal and Compliance function of the future - advising legal departments on how to maximize their effectiveness and benchmarking of legal and compliance functions.

Contract due diligence and remediation

Contract due diligence and remediation - tech enabled bulk review, analysis and rectification of contract portfolios.

Digital upskilling and transformation (paperless)

Digital upskilling and transformation (paperless) - Feasibility analysis for digitising legal processes and implementation support.

Managed Legal Services

Managed Legal Services - designing process-driven legal work systems enriched with elements from other disciplines and tech coordinated by PwC.

Legal Tech consulting

Legal Tech consulting - support in designing a legal technology (Legal Tech) strategy, assessment of implementation readiness and implementation support

How can we help You?

Legal and Compliance Function of the Future

In-house legal and compliance teams face increased regulatory pressure. Together with the  dynamic tech landscape and increasing volumes of data capacity can be tied up in recurring, high volume tasks.

Freeing up your resources creates more time for strategic planning and adding value to your practice. We are here to help you on the journey.

The Legal and Compliance Function of the Future will:

  • use quality tech enabled, efficient and market leading processes and continuously strive for improvement;
  • outsource repeat, high volume work and use flexible resources; and
  • be proactive and adapt quickly to market trends and changes in regulation. 

Our strategy is a response to the pressures described above. We benchmark the maturity and management of a legal function using our global risk and effectiveness methodology to identify areas for improvement.

We rely on our legal and advisory expertise to help clients realise the benefits of the Legal and Compliance Function of the Future. We also draw on the benefits of being a member of one of the biggest professional services practices in the world.

A key outcome of the legal function maturity analysis is determining metrics for the processes in your team e.g. time spent on compliance tasks, volume, risk level and value of contracts in your portfolio, success rate of litigation strategies. Once you have visibility of the metrics you can make a business case for your strategy and measure its benefits. 

Below is a typical Legal and Compliance Function of the Future project based on our previous experience: 

  • Following an acquisition a client had challenges in managing the newly expanded business at group level and approached us for assistance. 
  • In this case it was not clear at group level how each business segment was performing. There was also duplication in the legal and procurement functions across the group. 
  • Following an analysis based on our methodology and together with our Advisory colleagues, we proposed a number of possible solutions and highlighted the legal and operational benefits and feasibility of each one. 
  • The client decided to pursue a hybrid model of (i) reorganising the management structure to align with business segments; and (ii) centralising the legal and procurement functions in one entity.
  • We carried out a detailed legal analysis of the chosen model and assisted the client with implementation and the legal aspects of the intra-group restructuring.

Managed Legal Services

As businesses evolve and with increasing globalization the traditional model of legal advice does not match the business needs of the stakeholders. 

Traditionally, law firms offer an artisanal  approach to their services with a lawyer doing most of the work. Although input by a subject matter expert is important, hanging on to the traditional ways is less efficient and more costly. It is possible to offer clients a bespoke service through a streamlined and efficient model using technology and alternative delivery models where appropriate and relying on layers where they can add the most value.

With our Managed Legal Services (MLS) offering, we can deliver hybrid legal solutions by facilitating the end to end delivery of legal deliverables in a structured and scalable way. We bring together the power of expertise, process excellence and technology, across disciplines.

We can redesign any repeatable and scalable processes for your legal function. Our solutions are enriched with elements from other advisory disciplines and technology. Using workflow management tools and methodologies and process automation we centralize and standardise the processes currently managed in a traditional manner. 

The delivery of MLS projects will be tailored to the specific requirements of each subject area e.g. contract, litigation, real estate and IP. However, there are many common stages that can be distinguished in each of these areas in relation to project planning, execution and management. 

A pharmaceutical client reached out to us with a request for their global procurement function to be redesigned. We took a staged approach to streamline and boost the process for commercial contract lifecycle management (CLM).

Firstly, we identified the types of contracts and the current analysed the existing process to determine the actions and methodology the new, tech-enabled process should cover. The streamlined process was outlined in the CLM handbook and contracts playbook - this included a breakdown of the standard commercial terms and conditions for the agreements along with the client’s preferred fallback clauses. 

We also collaborated with the Client’s IT Team to scope the requirements for a CLM tool, setting out our recommendations for digital improvements. The CLM tool included case and workflow management functions as well as the automation of contract drafting and execution (by e-signature). 

Fianaly, we implemented the new model and continued in our role by providing a pool of contract specialists supporting the procurement team within the re-designed function. This project exposed us to all types of contracts in 60+ jurisdictions including the Americas, EMEA and ASIAPAC. 

The main benefit of the MLS provided was the centralization and standardization of the function, which led to costs reductions thanks to:

  • decreasing the time required for manual contract drafting, execution and administration;
  • centralizing the contract repository, including tracking contractual terms and conditions;
  • simplifying the contract-related risk and compliance assessment;
  • mitigating potential litigation exposure as a result of contract non-compliance.

This serves as an example of where our MLS can make a difference but there are many other areas that can be targeted for efficiencies such as compliance functions facing increased regulatory and reporting requirements (e.g. GDPR) or mass litigation scenarios. 

Contract DD/Remediation

Mass volume review of contract portfolios as well as their remediation has become a requirement of dynamic market growth and the evolving regulatory landscape. It may also be required as a result of changes in business and investment strategies or new regulatory obligations, however, in every case addressing the changes can mean challenging discussions with your business partners, clients and counterparts. 

Thanks to our experience, support from advisory disciplines as well as new technology we can assist you with the large scale contract due diligence (DD) and remediation projects and add value in a way, which in the past has been usually limited in its application and scope.

A combination of the power of AI-based technology and our unique approach to legal services, through our Lagal Center of Excellence are key to our methodology. To this extent we can conduct the DD, contract review and remediation on great amounts of data, and includes in particular:

the review of commercial agreements, including identification of key provisions such as i) non-standard clauses, ii) liability clauses, and iii) non-assignment clauses;

  • identification of change of control clauses in the contracts; 
  • review of financial documents and review of lease agreements; and
  • data structuring – preparation of breakdowns and data repositories including e.g. contract value.

Thanks to the above we limit the need for a manual review of all the agreements and can target our efforts on the areas where we can add the most value.

Our delivery model assumes two layers of quality control (QC) including: (i) a first QC level, which enhances the quality in real time; and (ii) Subject Matter Expert (SME) review i.e. by an experienced legal professional from PwC Legal Poland practice.

We were involved in the reorganization of a client’s product portfolio, which required the review of a significant number of legal documents including circa 1,100 contracts across 30 European countries.

We assisted in determining the scope of the review and categorisation of clauses. These were then reflected in the contract review playbook, including instructions for analysis and dealing with ambiguities. The factual review included two phases:

  • Contract prioritization - aimed at identifying the contracts from the client’s portfolio relating to the target products and verification of the contract expiry date;
  • Substantive DD - based on the results of the first phase a more detailed review of in-scope contracts was conducted against the questionnaire including over 21 categories of contractual clauses (mainly commercial terms).

The review was conducted using an intuitive contract review eDiscovery tool. There was a two-layer review process performed in the tool. The first review was carried out by a Legal CoE analyst, the second by a QC in the team. All the data was captured in the tool which allowed for the creation of customized dashboards and searchable reports for the client.

The key benefit of the applied review method was time saving - the whole process was completed in 3 weeks (including the structuring phase and feasibility checks by the client) - and resulted in 100% accuracy thanks to the tech (AI) and human collaboration. Thanks to our Legal CoE methodology and the use of IT tools, instead of engaging relevant local teams for each jurisdiction, the vast majority of documents was handled by PwC Legal CoE specialists in Poland with on-demand access to local jurisdictions legal professionals as required.

Digital Upskilling and Transformation (Paperless)

Operating models based on the exchange of documents in the paper form are not only un-ecological, but also proving to be ineffective. Traditional flows of documents in paper form generate costs and involve significant resources. Recently, the solutions aimed at transforming internal and commercial processes by transition to electronic documents have become more and more attractive. This has become particularly important in view of shifting the number of business activities to the virtual space.

The cost of one sheet of paper (including all related costs, such as printing, transport, archiving) for a business can be estimated as almost 1 EUR.

In order to address the challenges resulting from the transition to paperless document flows, we can assess the digitisation potential for the implementation of electronic document circulation in your business as well as advise on the implementation process, for example, by offering dedicated IT tools.

As part of our support, we can conduct a legal and regulatory feasibility analysis of various documents used by your organization both in business processes and internal procedures in order to determine the potential for implementing electronic documents flows.

The delivery of Digital upskilling projects will be tailored to the specific requirements of each subject area e.g. contract, litigation, real estate and IP. However, there are many common stages that can be distinguished in each of these areas in relation to project planning, execution and management.

A client in the banking sector was in the process of launching a new document management infrastructure to enable effective process automation. With regards to the circulation of documentation, the client planned to expand their central repository of electronic documentation and make it available to all business units. In order to optimally configure the system and take full advantage of the new technology - ECM, the client planned a parallel review of the approach to management of paper and electronic documentation.

We assisted the client in:

  • preparation of an sample list (tree) of document types processed by banks; 
  • cross referencing the list of document types proposed by PwC with the list of documents processed at the client;
  • legal analysis and determining the feasibility of digitising particular types of documents; and
  • determining the business potential of reducing paper documentation based on the conclusions of the analysis and the volume of paper documentation.

As a result we assessed the potential for reducing the flow of paper documents at a level of 30%-90% along with business ready typology of documents for primary digitization (i.e. documents that may be executed in digital version only) and specification of related requirements e.g. the legal form of each document or the requirement for a qualified electronic signature. 

The key benefit accruing from digitization is a reduction of paper document flow and related cost savings. Based on the above case study, a reduction in the flow of paper documents for a medium-sized client in e.g. the banking sector reaches 60-70%, which translates into a real reduction of costs with savings that can be estimated at 1 million EUR annually.

Legal Tech consulting

How do you keep-up with the pace of technological change to maintain a competitive advantage but at the same distinguish the next groundbreaking innovation from a temporary phenomenon? How do you manage and use the increasing volumes and complexity of data within your organisation? 

These are all issues that you are getting to grips with on a daily basis. Use our Legal Tech consulting service to find the best technology to suit the needs of your team and streamline the management of information and process in your organisation.

We work with many clients and leading teams internationally, which exposes us to various market standards and allows us to curate our own market leading best practices. 

We also have experience in using a wide range of Legal Tech tools and can decide, which technology is best for a particular project. We will use our knowledge to support you in designing a legal technology strategy, assessment of implementation readiness and offer implementation support.

Deciding on your legal technology strategy is a big decision and before you start you will want to be able to quantify the level of investment needed and understand what success will look like for you. This will allow you to make a business case for the programme and clearly define the benefits.

We will be with you every step of the way and will use are experience in the following areas to help you achieve a return on your investment: 

  • Tech enabled legal process optimisation - for document review and remediation in the context of banking benchmark reform or streamlining the process for mass litigation scenarios using technology.
  • Legal Tech tools based on artificial intelligence - presenting potential deliverables and benefits that may be gained thanks to our product.
  • Software for contract due diligence - „Trainable” thanks to in-built machine-learning solutions with usability and accuracy rising with every new document processed.
  • Sanitisation tools - Used for the redaction of the documentation for due diligence purposes and including automatic identification of sensitive data.
  • Management of electronic signatures - Allows organisations to manage electronic agreements, including their e-signing on different devices.

Legal Centre of Excellence - your dedicated team to deliver first-class NewLaw services

The idea behind Legal CoE is to combine the expertise of our PwC Legal practice with access to a cost-efficient team of skilled legal and paralegal professionals. The Legal CoE is a cornerstone of our delivery model for our New Law strategy.

We have a flexible delivery model, where the Legal CoE can work directly with clients or be supervised and supported by PwC Legal’s experienced lawyers in Poland and across the PwC network. This means that the Legal CoE combines the benefits of a shared service centre with an external legal advisor. 

Our methodology is based on the standardisation of documents, workflow centralisation and well-suited Legal Tech solutions used by knowledgeable specialists to compound the value we offer our clients. As a result the Legal CoE offers significant cost and time-saving benefits under the framework of the PwC network.

Legal Centre of Excellence

Contact us

Cezary Żelaźnicki

Cezary Żelaźnicki

PwC Legal Partner, Attorney-at-law, PwC Poland

Aleksandra Bańkowska

Aleksandra Bańkowska

PwC Legal Partner, PwC Poland

Alec Gosiewski

Alec Gosiewski

Partner, Solicitor (England & Wales), PwC Poland

Tel: +48 519 508 933

Mariusz Kamiński

Mariusz Kamiński

Counsel, Advocate, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 519 506 692

Marta Dąbrowska

Marta Dąbrowska

Counsel, Attorney-at-law, PwC Legal, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 519 504 439

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