The so-called VAT E-commerce Package initiated by the EU Council Directive has changed the way we view the taxation of retail sales (in the B2C channel) in the European Union. The most important changes, which came into force in Poland on 1 July 2021, concern the VAT classification of transactions, the thresholds required to determine the place of taxation, one-stop shops for taxpayers, as well as the role of electronic sales platforms/interfaces and the scope of recording obligations. New taxation rules have been in force for almost a year now.
An alternative to local VAT registrations and VAT compliance obligations in each country is to use the VAT One Stop Shop (OSS) procedure, which offers several options, depending on the type of sales made by the trader ( ICDS, DSIG, TBE services, etc.).
ICDS and intra-Community supply of B2C services are, as a rule, settled under the OSS procedure, while DSIG is settled under the IOSS procedure.
VAT OSS procedures are currently fully optional.
The idea of simplification is to settle all the tax due in the EU countries by means of a single declaration filed in a single Member State of identification.
The Member State of identification will in principle be the country of establishment of the entrepreneur. Nevertheless:
If the entrepreneur is not established in the EU, it will be the EU country where he has a fixed establishment for VAT purposes;
If a entrepreneur has several fixed establishments in the EU, it will be one of the countries of his choice in which he has such a fixed establishment;
The entrepreneur is free to choose the EU country of identification where he is not established or has no fixed establishment in any Member State.
Last, but not least - record keeping!
The records are to enable the correctness of the tax settlement to be checked and made available for each good or service.
In the event of a breach of the obligation to keep and make available records in the required form and content, the seller may lose the right to use the OSS procedure for a period of 2 years. This, in turn, can lead to an obligation to register for VAT in many EU member states.