Kanban Fundamentals

“Progress cannot be generated when we are satisfied with existing situations”
Taichi Ohno

Workshops designed for everyone who wants to improve their organization, but are afraid that big change or scrum won’t be accepted. You’ll learn how to improve visibility, communication and collaboration by using Kanban boards. 

You should take the training if you want to:

  • need to improve the workflow in your project and team
  • want to adapt faster to changes
  • want to increase transparency and decrease multitasking in your team

What is covered in the training?

  • Agile Values
    Traditional management models, Consequences and Problems, AGILE Manifesto
  • Why KANBAN?
    KANBAN origins, Lean Management, Rules and Principals
  • Change Models
    Virginia Satir’s Model, Kaizen/Kaikaku/Kakushin
  • Lean Management Fundamentals
    Value Stream Mapping, Eliminating waste, Continuous improvement
  • KANBAN in practice
    Organization of work, Process design, Visualization on the blackboard, Determining WiPs, Improvements implementation, Daily Standup, The After Meeting, Queue Replenishment, Release Planning
  • KANBAN tools
    Visualization of work, Work in progress limitation, Systems: Pull vs Push, Slack time, Effectiveness measures
  • micro and macro KANBAN
    Personal KANBAN, KANBAN in organization
  • KANBAN implementation in organization
    What and how to implement in organization, Plan of work

What you get?

  • an approach that maximizes the value of products for customers
  • increased adaptability to change and continuous improvement approach
  • significant reduction in waste in your process
  • tools for clear work visualization

Contact us

Maciej Przybyłowski

Maciej Przybyłowski

Partner, Financial Crime Unit, PwC Poland

Tel: +48 519 504 284

Szymon Skrzydło

Szymon Skrzydło

Director, PwC Poland

Tel: + 48 519 506 897

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