Autonomous taxi drones soon in Dubai!

16/02/17 | Tags: BusinessFunSocialInnovations

Drones are becoming increasingly popular in numerous industries. But till now, they were purely unmanned vehicles, and carried only equipment, never humans. The situation may soon change as Dubai plans to introduce drone taxis.

The Dubai Road and Transport Authority plans to introduce drone taxis as early as this summer – in July 2017. The innovative flying taxis are expected to fly from point A to point B and the passage will not need to have any skills related to piloting the drone. All will work automatically. The taxis will be able to fly up to 30km at a maximum speed of 60km/h and carry up to 100kg, so on average one person with a small luggage. The technology will come from China, from the Ehang manufacturer.

Dubai is known for having all what is best, biggest and most innovative in the world. Now, the city plans to be the first globally to introduce autonomous drone taxis. Moreover, already having driverless trains, Dubai plans to carry 25% of all passenger journeys in the city autonomously by 2030. 

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